"I would like to come away from this class with my previous confident outlook on my problem solving abilities. . . . II now suffer from 'math anxiety' to a certain degree. So, in my case, there is certainly a psychological barrier that I would like to remove."

"Learn different approaches to problem solving."

"Learn to better solve problems."

"To expand the way I think of math. To understand the underlying concepts of math."

"To become a better problem solver and to increase my 'lateral thinking' abilities."

"To learn how to approach a broad range of problems in many ways."

"I just want a challenge."

"To change and improve my perspective on problem solving skills."

"My goals for this course are to improve my ability to think about problems and increase my skill at finding solutions, both in mathematics and elsewhere."

"Learning experiences I would like to get out of the class include finding out more about my own personal learning style, along with effectiveness of an alternative way of teaching."