Most of the students indicated that the course opened up new ways of viewing mathematics and therefore their learning of the subject. Among the things mentioned were that the activity of this class made mathematics more enjoyable and more fun. Also mentioned was greater perservance, instead of thinking that a problem had to be done quickly and if not to give up more than one student said they were not inclined to be more patient and to give more time to a prolblem. Some excerpts of their statements follow:
"(Before this class) I would sometimes give up on a problem. Now I usually don't give up. Before I doubted myself as a math student and learner."
"The course gave me a new interest in math. There was fun stuff in math and interesting problems."
"As a learner and doer of mathematics the course helped me to understand what I like and don't like to do in mathematics. For example, I figured out I don't like sets."
'In high school I found everything in math to be simple. In my first college courses math was made complicated and it seemed hard. Now I think that math only appears hard but it is not really hard."
"The class drained me but to a certain extent it did effect me as a learner - I don't fear problems."
"In most classes there is one specific goal, for example in complex analysis it is to extend some of the results of calculus from the reals to the complex numbers and in algebra to learn about groups and rings. With this class there was no specific goal but rather a range of problems. This created a much larger base to do math on."
"This course made me a bit more of an 'applied' math person than a 'computational' math person."
"I learned that if I encountered some difficulty that is ok and I can work it through. As a doer I was changed almost totally. I had the impression before that math is disconnected this course brought it together. I also learned that its about discovery whereas before it was about getting the right answer."
"The course sort of made math more fun. As a doer of mathematics it changed my perceptions. It changed an ingrained paradigm of learning a set corpus of material without creativity to using the tools we have in a non-proscribed way."
"I can now go home and work on a problem for two hours. Discussing it helped. Three minutes of talking and a light would go on. In this class I had more motivation because it was enjoyable. I gave me a new perspective on what it means to do mathematics."
"With computational problems of many of my classes it was all plug and chug. This course opened up an entirely new set of problems for me."
"I think instead of saying 'I suck in math' I say 'I can do math' and have the ability to do problems. The group process contributed."