Instructor's Comments on Sonya's Penultimate Draft
You have really developed this case well since the last draft—and you have some really stellar, rich insights about intellectual honesty in here. The context is rich and the students are well-described. You've developed the context a bit more as well as the student interactions, and that really helps strengthen and deepen the case even more. I think you've done a terrific job expanding this case, adding in specific detail, and focusing it upon the concept of intellectual honesty. I have just a few suggestions below that could strengthen the case even more.
First regarding the quality of writing criteria, great job adding in the headings, that really helps. I like the way you start off with the concept of intellectual honesty and what you interpret it to mean—that's a great way to set readers up for your exploration of the concept. The following comments are really just a "fine-tuning" of the case, and I suggest it only because your case is already in such good shape. You might also think about a way to "hook" readers into the case, as well, an image or exchange that could preface that section, just briefly, from your students or those classes on Cyrano.
If you can come up with a short, creative, powerful image that could start off your case and a way to grab readers attention, before you bring up the concept of intellectual honesty, that might provide even more
energy for the beginning of the case. You are really, at this point, just "polishing the stone," so to speak! I also suggest selecting a title that captures the elements of the case, or the subject of the case…
Your analysis and interpretation is really lovely—you analyze and interpret throughout the case and share some really fresh and perceptive thoughts about the role of intellectual honesty in this case. (I also appreciate the ways you have brought in the abilities and strengths of the visual learners in your class—that's great.)
Finally, a comment regarding the Reflection criteria. Your conclusion really begins to tie up the notions of scaffolding and intellectual honesty in some very nice ways. I suggest focusing your attention on this section in two ways. First, you might come back to the very interesting comments you made about the necessity of a "pure" representation of the subject matter. What conclusions do you draw about intellectual honesty and the importance of a pure representation of the material? This will help "tie up" your whole argument, I think. Second, I suggest adding a paragraph or two that broadens out what you have learned from this case in more general terms. For instance, can you take what you have learned about intellectual honesty beyond this case and the teaching of Cyrano—does any aspect of it apply to other parts of your teaching or other work you may do with your students? Here is your chance to broaden out the lessons learned, beyond the project itself, and make some more general claims about intellectual honesty and its role in the classroom. Can you see this case happening to other teachers, in other areas or with other projects? What lessons might you share with them, to help them learn from your experiences? Do any quotes or powerful images come to mind that might encapsulate your experience?