Cases in  
 the Course
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Below is a list of the course readings. The readings that are cases are highlighted in red:

    Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple intelligences in the classroom.  Alexandria, VA:  Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.  pp. 1-14 and 146-155.

    Atkin, J.M. (1994).  Developing word-class educational standards:  Some conceptual and political dilemmas.  In N. Cobb (Ed.) The future of education:  Perspectives on National Standards in America.  New York:  College Entrance Examination Board. pp. 61-84.

    Ball, D.L. (1993).  With an eye on the mathematical horizon:  Dilemmas of teaching elementary school mathematics.  Elementary School Journal.  93 (4).  373-97.

    Ball, D. (1990). Teacher's journal for January 19, 23, and 25. East Lansing, MI: M.A.T.H. project.

    Black, P.J. and Wiliam, D. (1998).  Inside the black box:  Raising standards through classroom assessment.  Phi Delta Kappan.  80(2).  39-46.

    Bloom, B. et al (1956). Condensed Version of the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. In Bloom, B. et al (Eds.) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The classification of educational goals, Handbook 1, Cognitive domain. New York: David McKay. pp. 201-207.

    Bransford, J., A.L. Brown and R.C. Cocking, (Eds.) (1999).  How People Learn:  Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington: National Academy Press, , Ch. 3 Learning and Transfer, pp. 39-66.[ ml/howpeople1/ch3.html] Ch. 4 How Children Learn (excerpt pp. 83-101 starting with "Strategies for Learning and Metacognition") [ wpeople1/ch4.html] and Ch. 5 Mind & Brain, pp. 102-115. [ wpeople1/ch5.html] Ch. 7 Effective Teaching:  Examples in History, Mathematics, and Science, pp. 143-177.[http://books.nap.ed u/html/howpeople1/ch7.html]

    Bruner, J.S. (1960). The Process of Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Ch.1-3.

    Cases by former STEP students [five in total, selected to represent five disciplines; English, foreign language, mathematics, science, and social studies].

    Collins, A., Brown, J.S., & Holum, A. (1991). Cognitive apprenticeship: Making thinking visible. American Educator, pp.6-11, 38-46.

    Darling-Hammond, L. (1997).  The right to learn.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass.  Ch. 7 Creating standards without standardization (excerpt), pp. 210-245.

    Darling-Hammond, L., Ancess, J. & Falk, B. (1995). Authentic Assessment in Action. New York: Teachers College Press.  Ch.2 Graduation by portfolio at Central Park East Secondary School, pp. 21-75 and Ch. 6 The Bronx New School (excerpt starting with "Akeem's Story"),  p. 217-223.

    Ellis, M. W.   (1992). Demystifying Pi:  A case of trying to enhance student understanding.  Case prepared for ED269,Foundations of Learning for Teaching, STEP program.

    Ellwood, S.C. (1997).  The power of possibilities.  In A.L. Goodwin (Ed.), Assessment for equity and inclusion:  Embracing all our children (Transforming Teaching Series).  New York:  Routledge. pp. 77-99.

    Heller, J. I. and Gordon, A. (1992).  Lifelong learning.  Educator, 6(1).  Graduate School of Education, University of California at Berkeley.  pp. 4-19.

    Jetter, A. (1993) We shall overcome, this time with algebra. New York Times Magazine, February 21, 1993.

    Juarez, D. A. (1999). A question of fairness: Using writing and literature to expand ethnic identity and understand marginality. In S. Freidman, E.R. Simons, J. S. Kalnin, & A. Casareno (Eds.), Inside City Schools. New York: Teachers College Press. pp. 111-125.

    Ladson-Billings, G. (1994).  The Dreamkeepers:  Successful teachers of African American children.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass.  Ch. 5 Tree of Knowledge, pp. 78-101 and Ch. 6 Culturally Relevant Teaching, pp. 102-126.

    Lee, Carol (1995). A culturally based cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching African-American high school students' skills of literary interpretation. Reading Research Quarterly, 30(4), pp. 608-630.

    Norman, D. (1980) What goes on in the mind of the learner? In W.J. McKeachie (Ed.), New   Directions for Teaching and Learning:  Learning, Cognition, and College Teaching. No. 2.  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.  pp. 37-49.

    Perkins, D. (1998). What is understanding? In M.S. Wiske's (Ed.), Teaching for Understanding: Linking research with practice.  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp. 39-57.

    Phillips, M. (in press). Is "same" treatment "fair" treatment? To appear in J. Shulman's case book.

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    Resnick, L. (1987). Education and learning to think. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

    Shulman, L.S. (1996) Just in case: Reflections on learning from experience. In J.A. Colbert, P. Desberg & K. Trimble (Eds.) The Case for Education: Contemporary Approaches for Using Case Methods. Boston:  Allyn & Bacon.

    Shulman, L.S.  and Ringstaff, C. (1986). Current research in the psychology of teaching and learning.  In A. Bork & H. Weinstock (Eds.), Designing computer-based learning materials, pp. 1-31.

    Skolnick, J. (1995).  Diane:  Gender, culture, and a crisis of classroom control.  In J.S. Kleinfeld and S. Yerian (Eds.), Gender tales:  Tensions in the schools.  New York:  St. Martin's Press.  pp. 111-116.

    White, V. (1988). One struggle after another.  In J. Shulman & J. Colbert (Eds.) Intern Teacher Casebook. San Francisco:  Far West Lab.

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    Wineburg, S. and Wilson, S. (1988). Models of wisdom in the teaching of history. Phi Delta Kappan 70(1). 50-58.

    Zancanella, D. (1992).  The influence of state-mandated testing on teachers of literature.  Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 14(3).  283-295.


Lee Shulman leads a class discussion of the Vickie White case.

Michelle Phillips, former STEP student, leads a discussion of the case she wrote as a student, "Is 'same' treatment 'fair' treatment?"

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