Examples of Student Work

This page contains selections from the work submitted by students in History 1301 during the 1999-2000 academic year.  From this page you can access both samples of student writing as well as samples from the on-line discussion forums in the sections taught via the course website.  Hyperlinks in the text of the student work presented here generally were added by me to make it easier for the reader to determine which assignments, source materials, etc., the students are referring to.  Where a hyperlink was included by the student, I have added [st] after the link to indicate that fact.  Each of the student essays includes comments by one or more of the external reviewers who read them for me.

Samples from Discussion Forum

Examples of Student Essays

Discussion of Silver Blaze (historical methods) Fall 1999 Assignment #1
Discussion of Darwin Fall 1999 Assignment #2
Discussion of the Holocaust Spring 2000 Assignment #1
  Spring 2000 Assignment #2