Evaluations and Surveys

During each semester of this research project, the students in the various course sections were surveyed a number of times and in several ways.  At the beginning of each semester I administered a Technology Evaluation Survey to determine how much experience the students already had with computers and the world wide web.  At mid-semester, a staff person from the Texas Tech University Teaching Learning and Technology Center visited my classes to conduct a Small Group Instructional Diagnosis.  At the end of the semester, I administered three different surveys: the standard University Student Evaluation; an evaluatory survey of my design; and I asked the students to reflect on their experiences in the course in a free-form questionaire.  In addition, a group of outside evaluators read a selected sample of the student essays from each class section, answering specific questions about each essay.  The results of all of these surveys are available here and are arranged according to semester and section. Not all of the data is available at this time, but will be over the course of the coming months.  Finally, as part of the History Department's annual peer review, two of my colleagues visited my classes and filed a formal report on what they found.

Fall 1999
Section I
Fall 1999
Section II
Spring 2000
Print Section
Spring 2000
Web Section
Technology Evaluation Survey Technology Evaluation Survey Technology Evaluation Survey Technology Evaluation Survey
Small Group Instructional Diagnosis Small Group Instructional Diagnosis Small Group Instructional Diagnosis Small Group Instructional Diagnosis
University Student Evaluation University Student Evaluation University Student Evaluation University Student Evaluation
  End of Semester Survey End of Semester Survey
Student Self-Reflection Student Self-Reflection