Related Resources  


What happens when improvement programs collide, to appear in Phi Delta Kappan, 6/00

A fantasy in teaching and learning: Imagining a future for "on-line" teaching portfolios, presented at AERA, 4/00

Web-based resources used in the class:

Teaching For Understanding

Active Learning Practices For Schools (Alps)
This site has been put together by people at Project Zero working on the Teaching for Understanding Project and several other projects. See particularly the sections on TFU and the Colonial Biography unit.

Core Knowledge

Core Knowledge
This site provides information for those implementing or interested in implementing the Core Knowledge approach.

Modern Red Schoolhouse
This site provides information and resources for those implementing the Modern Red Schoolhouse. MRSH is a NAS Design based on the work of E.D. Hirsch, William Bennett and others.

Center for Educational Leadership
This Center includes links to Core Knowledge schools in Texas as well as lesson plans from those schools.

Core Academic Approaches

Success for All
This site provides information and resources for those interested in implementing the Success for All or Root and Wings school designs.

Standards-Based Approaches

National Center on Education and the Economy
The NCEE is dedicated to standards-based reform. It's led by Marc Tucker, one of the original leaders of the New Standards Project.

America's Choice School Design
This school design has grown out of the work of the New Standards Project. Originally called the National Alliance, it's now run through the National Center on Education and the Economy.

High Performance Learning Communities
HPLC documents standards-based reform in Community School District #2. The site includes case studies of several different schools.

Achieve, Inc.
Achieve, Inc. was established to support states' efforts to develop and implement standards-based reform efforts. It's web-site includes a database of state standards and information on the 1999 National Education Summit which it convened to help sustain the standards movement.

Other Reform Programs

Bay Area School Reform Collaborative
This site provides information for schools working with or interested in joining BASRC. It includes links to other sites associated with the Annenberg Challenges as well as to some resources on California Schools.

Joint Venture Silicon Valley
This site provides information and resources related to the Education initiatives of JVSV.

Partners in School Innovation
PSI began as an Americorp program in 1994 and now serves as a whole-school reform program for schools in the Bay Area. This site provides information and resources about the program as well as links to local schools with whom they are working.

Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound
ELOB, a NAS design, applies the philosophy behind Outward Bound to k-12 education. This site provides information and resources for those inolved with or interested in implementing the ELOB design.

Co-nect Schools
Co-nect Schools, a NAS design, provide a school design that focuses on project-based curricula and the use of technology. This site provides information and resources for those working on the Co-nect design and those interested in becoming Co-nect schools.

Coalition of Essential Schools
The CES web-site provides an introduction to the Coalition of Essential Schools. It also includes back issues of "Horace" -- one of the best sources of information for teachers and others about school reform, integrated curricula, exhibitions etc.

High Schools that Work
High Schools that Work is one of only three reform programs to be judged "successful" by the AIR survey of research on effectiveness. Their programs seeks to combine "challenging academic courses and modern vocational studies to raise the achievement of high school students." The site includes "best practices", assessments, and a variety of internal evaluations and case studies.

Other Resources

Catalog of School Reform Models
This catalog provides overviews of 64 different "whole-school" and curriculum programs. It has been prepared by the Nothwest Regional Education Laboratory.

An Educator's Guide to Schoolwide Reform
This guide provides overviews and analyses of 24 "whole-school", "comprehensive", or "school-wide" approaches. The guide is produced by the American Institute for Research.

A consumer's Guide to schoolwide reform
This book, Better by Design by James Traub, provides Traub's description of ten schoolwide reform models and descriptions of his visits to one school associated with each model. (It also includes a description of the "MI model" even though he acknowledges that model does not exist...)

New American Schools
ew American Schools (formerly NASDC)has provided funding to help launch a number of "comprehensive" school designs. It currently provides information and resources to support schools, districts, states and design teams pursuing school-wide reform.

Comprehensive School Reform Program
This site sponsored by the Department of Education provides information and resources for the Comprehensive School Reform Program.

Education Commission of the States
ECS provides information and resources on a variety of subjects including Comprehensive Reform and the NAS Designs.

Education Week
Education Week provides access to current and past articles on CSRD, NAS, the NAS Designs and a variety of other relevant issues. It also provides a listing of Educational Organizations, and past copies of Quality Counts which analyzes the standards and policies of all 50 states.

c. 2000, Thomas Hatch, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.  All the material contained on this site has been produced by Thomas Hatch or other authors as noted. These materials can be downloaded, printed, and used with proper acknowledgement, including the name and affiliation of the author and the web-site address.