

The site builds on the efforts of a number of people who have been working on issues related to the scholarship of teaching. In particular, the site has been inspired and influenced by the work of:

  • Randy Bass from Georgetown University, who produced a site documenting an innovative course introducing students to American Literature and American Studies. His on-line portfolio was one of the first that I saw, and it demonstrated the power of using hyper-links to make a wide variety of course materials, reflections, and student work available publicly.

  • Bill Cerbin from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, with whom Desiree Pointer, Toru Iiyoshi and I collaborated on an effort to put an example of the scholarship of teaching on-line. The resulting examination of Teaching for Understanding in a Problem-Based Educational Psychology Course reflects our initial attempts to bring together course materials and descriptions, analyses of student learning, and some audio and video clips to examine the teaching of one course.

  • Karen Hammerness from Stanford University, who has created a site documenting the use of cases in Principles of Teaching and Learning, a course for pre-service teachers. In particular, that site shows another way of organizing a site chronologically using timeline rather than a course syllabus as the primary "spine" of the site.

  • Mills Kelly from Texas Tech University, Elizabeth Barkley from Foothill Community College, and Dennis Jacobs from Notre Dame University, and others who have developed sites documenting courses like Introduction to Western Civilization, The Music of Multicultural America, and Introductory Chemistry as part of their work for the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

The documentation of this course and the development of this web-site was also made possible by the contributions and support of colleagues at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and the Carnegie Knowledge Media Lab, including Lee Shulman, John Barcroft, Toru Iiyoshi, Desiree Pointer, and Pat Hutchings. In particular, Desiree Pointer provided invaluable advice and assistance in creating the layout and links for the site.

Overview of a Course on Current Approaches to Teaching, Learning, and School Improvement. c. 2000, Thomas Hatch, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.  All the material contained on this site has been produced by Thomas Hatch or other authors as noted. These materials can be downloaded, printed, and used with proper acknowledgement, including the name and affiliation of the author and the web-site address.