DOT Park (9/25/01)

I. Problem Identification

                  1. Pollution plume of toxic waste (time to clean up pollution source)

                  (Needs to be cleaned before being used)

                  (Health of land/river) (Habitat of creatures)

                  2. What should happen to the park?

                  3. Access to park across Sterling Highway

II.  Project Rationale


we’re part of community

help building it

we need to know how to help the city

make a better place, more beautiful

needs caring for, needs work


*Project Rational (Collaborative Effort final)

As students we are part of the community and want to make it a more beautiful place to live.  The D.O.T. Park needs caring for.  The health of the park is at risk.  The park needs to meet the needs of its year round residents and protect the health of the river and it habitats.


III.  Project Goals

                  1. Make decision about D.O. T. Park. 

                  2. Make it clean and keep it clean.

                  3. Turn it into something useful

                  4. Have people come and enjoy it here.

                  5. Thoroughly clean it and name it.