Perspectives on Chemistry Research at the University of Michigan (PECRUM) University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry In
the Fall of 2001, a meeting between graduate students and the long term
planning committee in the Chemistry department brought to light a
perceived deficiency in the Chemistry graduate program. Graduate
students publicized their perception that in the second half of their
graduate education, there were very few avenues for scientific
interaction within the department. It was to fill this need that
Perspectives on Chemistry Research at the University of Michigan
(PECRUM) was developed. PECRUM
is designed to be held annually after the end of the winter term
allowing students to present their work to the department as a whole,
to foster collaborations, to inspire new avenues of research, and to
nurture a growing sense of community within the department. PECRUM
has become an annual event in the Department of Chemistry at the
University of Michigan having taken place in May 2003 and 2004.
PECRUM Website
Welcome to PECRUM!