North Kedzie Hall
North Kedzie Hall

Introduction to the Division of Science and Mathematics Education and its CID Work in Mathematics Education

Michigan State University is home to a vibrant community of faculty, graduate students, teachers, and teacher candidates working to understand and improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. The work of this group spans numerous mathematics education research projects, curriculum and assessment initiatives, technological innovations, and programs in teacher preparation and professional development, involving several units across two colleges.

Click here to view the Mathematics Education at MSU website

Who are we?

We are faculty in the Departments of Mathematics, Teacher Education, and CEPSE (Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education). Click here to view our faculty information page.

The CID Team members:

Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Bob Floden, Natasha Speer, Benita Barnes

Below are links to the three departments involved in mathematics education:

Mathematics Department

CEPSE (Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education) Department

Teacher Education Department

What do we want to accomplish in the CID?

Currently, students can pursue their interests in mathematics education in three different programs, in three different departments, in two colleges. We are designing a new cross-college doctoral program in Mathematics Education that will build on the strengths of our three existing programs while providing an intensive focus on mathematics education. The program will be located in the Division of Science and Mathematics Education (DSME).

What are we doing?

We have formed a Mathematics Education Faculty Group and the group has approved a proposal for our new program. The proposal is currently being reviewed by campus departments. We anticipate that we will be able to recruit students to the new program for the 2006/7 academic year.

Click here to read about our innovation.
We are created structured opportunities for students to engage in research throughout the doctoral program.

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