Details of the element The following summarizes the activities at the faculty retreat: Retreat Agenda Item
1: Is the current graduate curriculum satisfactory--do we offer enough
courses? How do we integrate "Comparative Borders" effectively, etc.? Sense
of the discussion: The department generally agreed on the need for
improvement of the graduate program in terms of more diverse course
offerings reflecting the changing contours of the department (including
Comparative Borders), as well as the desirability of scheduling and
publishing graduate courses two or more semesters in advance. (The
latter of course subject to the vagaries of unforeseeable faculty
absences.) The
department recognizes that all such planning takes place within the
parameters imposed by the need to make 7000 seats available in
undergraduate history classes every semester. In addition, the
department's 650 majors require an appropriate schedule of upper
division courses, including small-enrollment capstone courses. Action Plan: The CID committee submitted a "Graduate Scheduling Template" to the Department