Mathematical Landscapes Seminar One
way in which students are introduced to research early in their
graduate careers is through the "Mathematical Landscapes" seminar, a
one-credit course aimed at first year graduate students and advanced
undergraduates. The fall semester seminar introduces students to the
range of mathematical research that is done in our department. It also
provides a perspective on how different areas of mathematics fit
together. The seminar meets weekly in an informal atmosphere (complete
with coffee and cookies). The talks given are by faculty and postdocs
from our department.
Introduction to Teaching Seminar As
a large percentage of our graduate students go on to positions at
four-year colleges, it is crucial to provide these students with good
training as future teachers. The one-credit "Introduction to Teaching
Seminar" is targeted at first year graduate students and is also open
to undergraduates who are considering graduate school. It is offered in
the spring semester, as a counterpart to the fall Mathematical
Landscapes seminar. Presentations include such issues as preparing a
syllabus, preparing a lecture, grading, facilitating group work, what
to do if you suspect academic dishonesty, and the like. In addition,
there will be several hands-on sessions in which participants prepare
and give practice "mini-lectures", which are videotaped and analyzed.
Qualifying Exam Workshop Each
May, the Department offers three two-week Qualifying Exam Workshops.
These workshops are run by advanced graduate students and benefit
graduate students who are studying for the Department’s
Qualifying Exam in algebra, analysis or applied mathematics. By having
graduate students develop and run the workshops, we separate the
faculty responsibility of creating and grading exams from the
responsibility of advising graduate students ad they study for the
exams. As an added bonus, the workshop provides advanced graduate
students with an opportunity to mentor younger graduate students. The
most significant benefit of the workshop is that a much higher percent
of our first year graduate students choose to take one or more exams,
leading to an increase in the number who qualified on one or more
exams. Responsibility for organizing the Qualifying Exam Workshops
rotates among the faculty.
Peer and Faculty Mentoring Each
new graduate student is assigned a Peer Mentor and a Faculty Mentor.
The Peer Mentor is an advanced graduate student and the Faculty Mentor
is a member of the permanent faculty. The Peer Mentor and the Faculty
Mentor share the responsibility of helping new graduate students adjust
to their new surrounding (in Lincoln and as members of our graduate
program), counseling them on managing their time, and advising them
regarding both on their coursework and their teaching responsibilities.
As the graduate students progress through their graduate studies, the
mentors provide advice and encouragement. It is assumed that once a
graduate student chooses a PhD advisor, that person will assume the
role of Faculty Mentor although the original Faculty Mentor remains
available to provide advice as needed.