Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need


University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Department of Mathematics

The GAANN Fellowships, funded by the US Department of Education, provide one calendar year of support for up to $30,000 (depending on financial need) with no teaching duties. In addition, GAANN Fellowships provide a generous educational allowance.

The purpose of the GAANN fellowships is to enable students to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics from UNL and to become productive members of the mathematical community, actively engaged in both research and teaching. Students supported by the GAANN fellowships will be of superior ability meeting the requirements of the program description. A special effort will be made to recruit fellow from groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in mathematics.

The objectives are:

1. To use GAANN fellowships to increase the number of students of superior ability, who are US citizens or others meting the requirements, who earn a Ph.D. in mathematics at UNL;

2. To use GAANN fellowships to recruit and retain students in the UNL mathematics Ph.D. program from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds;

3. To use GAANN fellowships to enhance the research preparation of mathematics graduate students at UNL;

4. To use GAANN fellowships to shorten the average time to the degree for mathematics graduate students at UNL; and

5. To use UNL resources to ensure that GAANN fellows as well as other mathematics Ph.D. students are well prepared to be outstanding teachers of mathematics.

The successful realization of these objectives will lead to more U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents earning Ph.D.s in mathematics. The U.S. citizens will include a higher percentage of women and minorities, and will be well-trained for careers in research and teaching.

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