1. MSU Neuroscience Program Mission Statement: "Preparation for research career in academia, private sector, or government"
4. How has our teaching requirement/training changed? MSU Neuroscience Program now has training grant and more University support for studentsstudents now provided department TA positions for one semester only for courses with Neuroscience contentfree for the department
7. What are we doing to address these issues? reinforce to faculty that teaching is an important component of our trainingfaculty need to provide opportunities to teach-open up their classes -allow NSP students to give lectures, review sessions -not just grade papers currently revising our teaching requirementTwo components: 1) Neuroscience teaching course summer before second yeartwice weekly to discuss teaching theorydeveloping objectivesorganizing materialpractice giving mock lectures, running laboratory demonstrations, and working in small groupslearning how to evaluate student performance and learning2) One-semester teaching experience mentored by the faculty in charge of coursestudent given detailed feedback at end of semester
2. How does teaching fit in with our mission? One component of our "professional skills" developmentIncluded in "communication of our science"
5. What training is provided? Virtually noneMSU Graduate School 3-day course Intro to TA responsibilities Ethics, conduct No pedagogy College of Natural ScienceCertificate in college teaching 2-3 courses None of our students have done this Other programs have courses, but none specific to the sciences
8. Contact Information Joe Lonstein Neuroscience Program, Giltner Hall Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 517-353-8675 lonstein@msu.edu
3. What was our teaching requirement/training? Zoology and Psychology Departments paid our students to TA for undergrad courses-paid during year one of training, student TAed for two semesters during year 2 or 3 -department dictated what courses students would TA -even if no Neuroscience content
6. Issues that have arisen student experiences, expectations by faculty variedstudents wanted more training beforehandstudents wanted a generally more meaningful experience-learned this through CID process how should students be supported financially while teaching or training to teach?most on training grant or advisor's federal research grants"We can't possibly train our students in everything in 5 years"even if in academia, tenure decisions not largely based on teaching (as long as it is adequate)