Overview of CID Activities

The CID committee at the School of Education is committed to improving doctoral education within our own institution and broadly within the field of education. To this end we believe that our activities should be aimed at supporting and challenging the intellectual community within the School of Education. We have identified 3 major points of examination for our work: research preparation, teaching preparation and support of students' needs. Within the latter category we have focused mainly on mentoring and international student needs.

The School of Education
The School of Education

The School of Education

The School of Education at Indiana University Bloomington is the third largest in the United States. We have 2000 undergraduate teacher education students, 550 Master's students and 650 doctoral students. Nearly 30 percent of our doctoral students are international students. We offer doctoral degrees in 17 program area ranging from Curriculum Studies to Educational Policy, from Instructional Systems Design to Counseling Psychology. We believe our School of Education offers a vibrant and diverse intellectual community and it is our goal, through our participation in the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate project, to enhance and improve this intellectual community.

School of Education Homepage

Our Projects


Improving Research Preparation: From the inception of the CID project, our leadership team has identified improving the research preparation of our doctoral students has a central and important goal. We have developed an overall model with course recomendations for consideration by our 17 program areas. This model stems from a year-long quantitative evaluation of research preparation for Ph.D. students. To date seven program areas and two departments have made policy changes based on the model. For more information on the process involved in bringing about reform in this area, please see the process timeline snapshot.

Annual Review of Students: This innovation has come out of our research on the qualifying exam process as well as our mentoring project. This in-progress innovation will create an explicated system of accountability both to the students and to the other faculty members. It strengthens the faculty advisor/mentor relationship by adding a formal element to it. We feel student learning and progress will be strengthened and fewer students will fall through the cracks. We have developed a model which is being considered by several program areas and has been adopted in two program areas and one department.

Mentoring Award: In response to a perceived lack of respect for mentoring, student leaders conceived of and initiated this annual award process. As one of the earliest innovations related to the CID project, it has since become an important part of the School of Education culture.

  • Future Innovation: Affinity Groups Research Model
    This snapshot is a work-in-progress. We are using it to focus our research model idea.

    Innovation Snapshot: Annual Review
    This snapshot explains our annual review of students innovation.

    Innovation Snapshot: Mentoring Award
    This snapshot highlights the mentoring award as an innovation stemming from the CID project.

    What do we want to accomplish with the CID project?

    We want to support, challenge and improve the intellectual community in the School of Education. We believe we need a new model for conceptualizing research preparation for doctoral students, a deeper committment to improving mentoring practices particularly for international students and a better understanding of the purpose doctoral education holds for our students, our alumni and our faculty. These convictions have shaped the projects we have undertaken and led us to focus on collecting data, creating models, inciting discussion and promoting reform. Below are a few of our original documents, created as we first joined the CID project.

    Letter of Intent
    This is our original application to join the CID project. We submitted it in Fall of 2001.

    Commonalities Powerpoint

    Key Elements Powerpoint

    Our Projects

    Data Collection Projects:

    Assessment of International Student Needs: This is an ongoing project which we hope will lead to concrete policy recommendations in the future. In the summer of 2004 we formed a partnership with CID institutions Ohio State University and Arizona State University to create an online survey of international students at each of our Schools of Education. We are now nearing the data collection phase and early analysis is providing us with important data for future recomendations. For more information on the process involved in bringing about reform in this area, please see the process timeline snapshot.

    Assessment of Qualifying Exam Models: There are currently several models of qualifying exams being used in the School of Education. There is a lot of discussion about whether any of these exams are useful in assessing student learning. Likewise, there is some concern that certain models may be more challenging in particular for international students. This project collected data through interviews and an online survey. The data inform our annual student review innovation and our research preparation model.

    Understanding Mentoring in the School of Education: This project, led by Ph.D. candidate Margaret Clements, examined the mentoring of doctoral students in the School of Education. The study, unique in its incorporation of student, faculty and administrator perspectives, utilized interviews, focus groups and a survey for data collection. The results of this study have influenced our annual student review innovation, mentoring award innovation and will be useful for continued discussion of this topic.

    Alumni Data Collection Project: When we began this project we discovered that there is very little institutional data about our alumni. We find it difficult to make appropriate reform measures without understanding our audience. Important questions like: what types of jobs do our graduates take can only be answered anecdotally. We systematically contacted alumni from the last 10 years. This data collection process informed our research preparation model.

    Dr. Luise P. McCarty and Debora Hinderliter Ortloff
    Dr. Luise P. McCarty and Debora Hinderliter Ortloff

    Who are we?

    The CID project in the School of Education is under the direction of Dr. Luise P. McCarty, Associate Professor in Philosophy of Education. Debora Hinderliter Ortloff serves as the graduate research coordinator. Ms. Ortloff is also a doctoral candidate in the area of Educational Policy Studies.

    The project has a leadership team comprised of professors from throughout the School's five departments and graduate students from nearly all program areas. The leadership team was particularly critical at the beginning stages of the project, especially in terms of goal setting. Throughout the 3 year project we have had several sub-committees, which have directed particular projects. In our process timeline we provide greater detail about all the sub-committees over the life of the project. In the two projects boxes you will also find links to the specific data collection and reform projects associated with CID.

    Process Timeline

    Please use the link below to view our process timeline. This document highlights the decison making throughout the last three years. It also provides insight into the success and failures of the variety of projects undertaken.

    This electronic portfolio was created using the KML Snapshot Tool™, a part of the KEEP Toolkit™,
    developed at the Knowledge Media Lab of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
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