Learning Activities Neuroscience
for Kids is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It can be used at
school, home or the library...anywhere with access to the Internet. The
resource can be used to: Research-
users can find basic information about neuroanatomy, neurophysiology,
the senses, sleep, mental and neurological illness, the effect of drugs
on the brain, neuroscience methods, blood supply, language, and more. Experiment and Interact-
users can view on-line activities and demonstrations (e.g., visual
illusions), locate ideas for science fair projects and ask
neuroscientists questions. Explore- all pages include extensive links to other resources on the WWW. Play-
on-line and off-line games, demonstrations and quizzes permit users to
learn in an entertaining environment. Students and teachers can also
send free postcards by e-mail or request a monthly, electronic
newsletter. Print- worksheets, bookmarks, coloring books, puzzles, stationery, greeting cards, games, quizzes can be printed and used off-line. Plan- teachers have access to lesson plans and materials that can be used inside or outside of class. Ask-a group of scientists in the Neuroscientist Network is ready to answer your questions about the nervous system.