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Title of Your ePortfolio Project

(Change the title above to be the title of your project title and make it a link to the project website.)

Your School Logo (optional)

Your name (optional), department, and institution

(Add your contact information here - if you wish, you can add your email address)

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Why use the OSP?

Use this section to briefly describe what motivated you to use (or evaluate) the Open Source Portfolio software. For example, you may want to list a few key factors that influenced your decision making process.

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Background and Context

Add some information about the overview, history, context of your ePortfolio project(s).

It's important to other institutions that they know enough about your situation and institutional background. This kind of background information is necessary for them to decide how they want to implement ePortfolio at their institutions using the OSP.

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Goals, Users, Processes, and Activities

Describe how your ePortfolio program is designed and how the OSP was implemented. If it is a part of a larger program/project, describe it briefly, too.

To ensure others can learn from your experience, details are important. While in general, snapshots should be short (and pithy) don't skimp on details that others' might learn from.

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Impact of Use

Describe your assessment of the implementation efforts and the results. Include or link to assessment data, portfolio examples or resources that demonstrate the successes.

Assessment need not be formal, you might want to report on comments from your students/faculty. Links to assessment data (including results from surveys, transcripts /recordings from interviews, etc.) are great ways to give others a sense of what were actually accomplished through this work.

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Challenges, Issues, and Innovations

What did you learn about making this implementation successful? What challenges did you confront? How did you try to resolve the issues creatively? What local resources/support materials did you develop? What did you like about using the current version of the OSP? How could the future OSP and/or your portfolio program(s) be improved?

This section is particularly important to those who might want to attempt similar portfolio efforts - what do they need to know to be successful and avoid possible pitfalls?

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Do you have recommendations for other institutions that are interested in implementing the OSP to support their local portfolio efforts?

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Technical Information about this OSP Implementation Project

This electronic portfolio was created using the KML Snapshot Tool™, a part of the KEEP Toolkit™,
developed at the Knowledge Media Lab of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
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