Terry Judson, Global Studies
International High School, Queens, NY
This website was developed by the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching (NCREST) at Teachers College, and can be accessed at the following URL:
(this link was valid on 8/25/06)
This website illustrates one teacher's efforts to help 9th and 10th grade students develop mastery of the English language within the context of a Global Studies class. It documents the work of Terry Judson, a teacher in his 12th year of teaching at the International High School, a public school in Queens, NY. International admits students of limited English proficiency who have been in the United States less than four years at the time of enrollment. Classrooms are generally structured around the development of thematic projects in cooperative groups. Overall, students in the school are doing relatively well compared to students in similar schools. The attendance rate at the school is 95%, with a 2% dropout rate. The graduation rate is 85%; 61% of students go on to 4 year colleges, with 27% going on to 2 year community colleges. This site shows how Judson structures a Power Point project on the beliefs of various world religions that serves as the culmination of a unit on Religion, documents the work of four students, and illustrates how Judson strives to meet the demands of State Standards and the NY Regents test within a project-based curriculum.