University of Wisconsin-Madison
Brian Phelps, English Student Teacher, English Education Program
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
This website of student teacher portfolios was developed by the Portfolio Project at University of Wisconsin-Madison, and can be accessed at the following URL:
(read below about password access to this portfolio)Excerpt:
This website presents the portfolio of Brian Phelps, a secondary English student teacher in the English Education program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Brian authored his on-line portfolio to document progress in addressing standards and to reflect on his development as a teacher over the four semesters of his certification program.
The UW-Madison Portfolio Project emphasizes authentic artifacts around student learning and teaching. To provide security and confidentiality to students, parents, and school staff, we keep the portfolios behind password protection. At the website click on the Contact EPCS to request the password to view this portfolio.
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