Integrative Collaborations & Activities at MCLA

Berkshire Compact for Higher Education

The Berkshire Compact for Higher Education is a county-wide strategy development group formed in 2005 to assess the higher education needs of Berkshire County residents and employers. The initial report was published in March 2006, with a stated goal of creating opportunities for every resident of Berkshire County to attain at least 16 years of education and training. The group, comprised of local leaders in business, government, and education, met in July 2006 to develop teams to work on the four main goals of Raising Aspirations, Improving Access, Becoming a Leader in the Use of Technology, and Developing a New Social Contract within the county.

Alternative Spring Break Belize
Alternative Spring Break Belize

Community-based learning: MCLA Center for Service

The mission of the Center for Service is to empower students to combine traditional coursework with experiential learning, community service and service-learning, to foster intellectual growth and to develop educated citizens who are active members of their communities and leaders in their chosen professions. Opportunities offered to students range from one-time events, such as Alternative Spring Break, to on-going programs such as providing literacy support to local elementary school children, to service-learning activities as part of traditional courses.

High School Science Fair at MCLA
High School Science Fair at MCLA

STEM Pipeline Project

MCLA is the lead partner for the Berkshire STEM Pipeline, an NSF-funded consortium of colleges, schools, and businesses in Berkshire County. The goal of these network partners is to build a pipeline between higher education, PreK-12, businesses, and non-profit agencies for the improvement of science, technology, engineering and math education. As lead partner, MCLA hosts the semi-annual summit meetings and the Massachusetts Region I Science Fair. MCLA also maintains the Pipeline website, which includes information on best practices in science education, and it is home to the Resource Center, which lends equipment to area teachers.

Sampling in Hoosic River
Sampling in Hoosic River

MCLA Participates in SENCER

MCLA has been an active participant in SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagement and Responsibilities) since summer 2003. SENCER is a comprehensive national dissemination project aimed at science education reform. The SENCER website describes its mission: To engage "student interest in the sciences and mathematics by supporting the development of undergraduate courses and academic programs that teach 'to' basic science and mathematics 'through' complex, capacious, and unsolved public issues."

African American Heritage & Biography in the Upper Housatonic River Valley

A committee with representation across the MCLA campus hosted a national conference on The Shaping Role of Place in African American Biography September 14-17, 2006. This was the culmination of an NEH grant to develop African American studies curricula for schools in Berkshire County. It also recognizes the role of African Americans in the Upper Housatonic River Valley as the area has just received recognition as a national heritage area.


Gallery 51

Gallery 51 on Main Street in North Adams is the result of a unique collaboration between area business and community leaders, the City of North Adams and the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. Located at 51 Main Street, Gallery 51 is operated by MCLA and has featured the works of several local artists, including MCLA faculty and students.

Grants - A Little Help from our Friends

Title III

MCLA is a recipient of a Title III Part A Strengthening Institutions Program, which is administered by the United States Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education. It is a competitive five year development grant for institutions of higher education, and it is used to help strengthen an institution's academic quality, management capabilities, or fiscal stability. MCLA will receive $1.8 million over a period of five years. Grant-funded activities began in September 2005 and are being used to support the following long-term institutional goals:

  • Expand academic course offerings and methods of delivery, using technology to enhance course content and instructional strategies.
  • Increase access to information through automation.
  • Increase new student admissions.
  • Increase continuing student enrollment and persistence
  • Davis Grant

    MCLA is the recipient of a $90,000 Davis Grant. This grant is awarded by the Davis Educational Foundation. Under the grant, MCLA has created a Center for Academic Technology which has become the hub of faculty development and support in the use of modern presentation, computing and communication tools in teaching. MCLA faculty members who wish to incorporate technology into their courses may apply for Davis Mini-Grants for software and professional development to aid them in their endeavors.

    President Grant with students
    President Grant with students

    Member of COPLAC

    MCLA is a member of COPLAC, the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges, and our president, Dr. Mary Grant, will be the chair of that organization this coming year. This puts MCLA in a group of institutions dedicated to liberal learning and the vital role integrative learning plays in those institutions.