


 Assessment of Learning and Teaching


Bill's audio reflection on his work

(a note about authorship)

    Assessment of Learning and Teaching in Educational Psychology 370


    This assignment asked students to evaluate their own learning and my teaching in terms of the major course goals.


    This assignment involves self-assessment of your learning and also assessment of my teaching in the course. The aims are to help you clarify your progress toward course goals, identify aspects of learning that you may want to change or improve, and to provide me with important information that I can use to improve my teaching of the course. 


    Self-assessment is an important part of learning (As you know I made it a goal of this course). College students should be able to examine their learning goals, determine their progress, and develop ideas about how to improve or change what and how they learn. This assignment is an opportunity to learn a little more about self-assessment, and more about yourself as a student.


    In conjunction with self-assessment I would like you also to assess several aspects of my teaching. I believe that the primary aim of teaching is to enhance students' learning, thinking and development. Consequently, assessment of learning and assessment of teaching should go together. The assessment should be mutually beneficial--you should learn something important about yourself, and I should learn something important about how my teaching affects your learning. If successful, we all benefit by making the class a more effective learning experience.


    I want to say a few things about your evaluation of my teaching. Often students are reluctant to "criticize" their teachers because teachers hold the ultimate trump card--the grade. I am asking you to help me make this a better course, and I cannot do that without good information from you about what works well and what needs to be improved. The best thing that you can do is to be honest and give good reasons for your evaluation. I am going to give differential credit for doing this assessment:

    10 points= Thoughtful, reflective assessment that includes reasons and specific examples.

         5 points= Trivial assessment that does little more than express preferences without giving reasons and examples.

      0 points= No assessment


    The assignment is due on Thursday, November 12 in class--no later.


    Your writing notebook should contain all of your coursework for this semester, as well as all of the handouts that I have distributed. This material should provide an excellent basis for analyzing and evaluating learning and teaching. In addition, you have received various types of feedback on your essays, DA's and class discussions, which should also be useful for assessment.


    The course syllabus states 5 major goals. I would like you to assess your progress and my teaching in relation to three of these:

    1. develop your understanding of ideas, theories, principles and concepts relevant to learning, thinking and teaching.

    2. develop your ability to think critically--to analyze, evaluate, integrate and synthesize ideas and to formulate informed, reasonable beliefs, judgments and positions on significant problems and issues.

    3. develop your interest in learning more about the subject matter and topics.


    Please answer the following questions. Staple your responses to this handout. Be sure to include your name.



    1.You have read and studied a wide variety of material about education and psychology. Certainly you are becoming more knowledgeable about learning, thinking and teaching. Analyze your progress in understanding the course material. What is going well and what is not? What could you do to improve your understanding of course material?


    2. Examine your ability to think critically--to analyze, evaluate, integrate, synthesize and develop ideas, beliefs, judgments, and viewpoints on issues and problems we encounter in the course. Can you identify strengths and weaknesses in your thinking. Any noteworthy improvements? Any particular confusion or difficulties?


    3.Comment on whether and the extent to which your interest in the subject matter and topics in the course has increased or decreased. Do you care about the subject? What in particular is most and least interesting? Why?


    4. Examine your effort and ability in this class. What do you intend to continue to do? What would you like to change to improve your learning in the class? How might you make changes?




    1. In what ways have the Discussion Assignments helped/hindered your progress toward the three goals (i.e., understanding, critical thinking, interest)? How could they be changed to be more effective?


    2.In what ways have the small learning groups helped/hindered your progress toward the three goals (i.e., understanding, critical thinking, interest)? How could they be changed to be more effective?


    3.In what ways have lectures helped/hindered your progress toward the three goals (i.e., understanding, critical thinking, interest)? How could they be changed to be more effective? 

    4.In addition to your recommendations in questions 1-3, are there any other changes in teaching that you would like to see. Please explain how these would facilitate your learning.


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