


 Discussion Evaluation Form


Bill's audio reflection on his work

(a note about authorship)



    I use this form to get students' evaluations of small group and whole-class discussions. Typically they complete this form at the end of class.


    Name: ______________________________Date: _______


    How much did you learn from the group discussion

    A. a lot   B. a little    C. nothing

    participate in the discussion

    A. a lot   B. a little    C. not at all

    enjoy the discussion

    A. a lot   B. a little    C. not at all


    How effective was the group in allocating time and getting work accomplished:

    A. very    B. somewhat    C. barely    D. not at all


    Incidence of Productive and Counterproductive Behavior- Check any you engaged in and circle any you observed in others.

    __ asked, gave information__ monopolized discussion

    __ asked, gave reactions__ called attention to self

    __ asked, answered questions__ chronic interruptions

    __ restated ideas/points in articles__ criticized others (put down)

    __ restated ideas/points of discussants__ changed subject often

    __ asked for/gave examples__ frequent irrelevant comments

    __ asked for/gave summary__ withdrawn, did not participate

    __ asked for/gave evidence or support for ideas__ apologetic

    __ redirected group to return to task__ OTHER-please specify:

    __ monitored time

    __ encouraged, supported other ideas

    __ elaborated on others' ideas

    __ OTHER-please specify


    As a learning experience I would evaluate the discussion as

    1. poor    2. fair    3. average    4. good    5. excellent


    Give reasons for your rating. Be specific, give examples.



    What, if any, aspects of your own behavior do you need to change to be a more effective group member?


    What, if any, aspects of other group members' behavior need to change to enhance the groups' learning?


    What, if anything, did the instructor do that facilitated effective, whole-class discussion?


    What, if anything, did the instructor do that inhibited effective, whole-class discussion?


    What, if anything, should the instructor do or not do that would improve the quality of whole-class discussion?



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© 2000 Cerbin, Pointer, Hatch, Iiyoshi. These materials may be used and duplicated in keeping with accepted publication standards.  If any of these materials are reproduced, please provide proper credit by listing the authors and the address of the home page: http://kml.carnegiefoundation.org/gallery/bcerbin.

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