


 Results of Course/ Instructor Evaluation


Bill's audio reflection on his work

(a note about authorship)

    Results of The Course/Instructor Evaluation


    This entry reports the results of the students' evaluation of the course and instruction completed at the end of the semester. A colleague administered the course evaluation at the end of the semester, and informed students that I would not see their evaluations until after the grades were reported

    Thirty-six of 38 students completed the questionnaire. Below are the responses to the 10 quantitative questions. The response categories for the quantitative questions are: 

    A. a lot     B. somewhat     C. a little    D. not at all


    1.To what extent did this course resemble a learning community?

     A. 32     B. 4   C. 0    D. 0


    2. To what extent did you look forward to coming to this class?

           A. 22     B. 12    C. 2   D. 0


    3. To what extent did this class increase your interest in the course topics and material?

          A. 30      B. 6    C. 0    D. 0


    4. To what extent was the class presented in a well organized manner?

          A. 24      B. 12    C. 0    D. 0


    5. To what extent did this class increase your understanding of theories, principles and concepts?

          A. 27     B. 8    C. 1    D. 0


    6. To what extent did this course challenge you to examine your beliefs and ideas about education, teaching and learning?

    A. 31      B. 5    C. 0    D. 0


    7.How much effort did you put forth in this course compared to other courses?

    A. a lot more (23)    B. somewhat more (10)  C. about the same (3)    D. somewhat less (0)    E. a lot less (0)


    8.To what extent did this class enhance your ability to think critically--to analyze, evaluate, integrate and synthesize theories, principles and ideas more effectively.

    A. 27     B. 8    C. 0    D. 0


    9.To what extent did this class enhance your ability to write effectively?

    A.10      B. 18    C. 8    D. 0


    10. With respect to overall instructional performance, I rate this instructor:

    A. Excellent (32)          B. Good (4)          C. Average (0)    D. Fair (0)          E. Poor (0)


    Students also gave examples for questions 8 and 9, and wrote responses to the questions below.

    11.Comment on the books and articles you read for the course? Challenging? Meaningful? Dull? Exciting?

    12.In what ways, if any, did this course influence your attitudes and beliefs about education, teaching, and learning?

    13.What, if anything, did you especially like about the class?

    14.What, if anything, did you really dislike about the class?

    15.What, if anything, should I do to improve my teaching or this class?

I have included some analysis of these responses in the course summary section of the portfolio.


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© 2000 Cerbin, Pointer, Hatch, Iiyoshi. These materials may be used and duplicated in keeping with accepted publication standards.  If any of these materials are reproduced, please provide proper credit by listing the authors and the address of the home page: http://kml.carnegiefoundation.org/gallery/bcerbin.

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