


 MSS Assignments


Bill's audio reflection on his work

(a note about authorship)

Assignments Corresponding to the Middle School Science Problem


February 9.   Next week we will begin to focus on the broad topics of learning and thinking. An overarching goal of this course is to better understand how and why students learn or do not learn what they are taught. By the end of this course you should be better able to explain the nature of learning and apply that knowledge to solve or resolve students' learning problems. Tuesday we will begin to examine the nature of learning and thinking. Your assignment is:


Reading Assignment:

1. Chapters 1 and 2 in TC (The Thinking Classroom)

2. Chapters 1 and 2 in TfU (Teaching for Understanding)


Discussion Assignment questions (due via email as indicated above):

1. In TC the authors describe a "culture of thinking in the classroom." Using their notion of culture, identify the ways, if there are any, in which you have experienced a culture of thinking in your own education. Here's a harder follow-up question to that. Finish this idea and elaborate, "For the most part in my educational experience my classrooms have been cultures of . . .(elaborate).


2. In TfU the authors explain the concept of "understanding." Using their definition of understanding, identify one or two examples of assignments or activities in any of your current classes (except this one) which you think promote understanding. Explain how it promotes understanding.


3. To what extent do you think your teachers use understanding as an important goal in your classes? What's the basis for your judgment?


February 11.  There is NO Discussion Assignment for Thursday. However, read chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 in The Thinking Classroom. These are fairly brief chapters. Get a good fix on the concepts of, "thinking dispositions" and "mental management."


February 16.  On Tuesday, February 16 we will start to analyze the problem, "Now What?" In preparation, please do the following:


1. Read the problem-several times.


2. Answer the following questions and send them via email by Monday, February 15. On the Subject Heading of your email use your last name followed by NW#1.

A. What are your initial impressions of Arlene Thompson as a teacher?

B. What are Arlene's learning goals for her class?

C. What are your initial impressions of Arlene's students?


3. Reading assignment. In The Thinking Classroom Read chapters 8, 10, 12. When you have time, go back and read

chapters 9, 11, 13 in TC.


February 18. The assignment for Thursday, February 18 is to read the article, "The Six Facets of Understanding," and to catch up in The Thinking Classroom. We will continue to examine the "Now What" problem in class.


February 23.  There is NO CLASS on Tuesday, February 23. There is a web assignment due by 11:00 a.m. Tuesday. To Read the assignment go to the Learning Links page, and look at the Discussion Forum called, "Reading to Learn."


February 25. By Thursday you should have read all of The Thinking Classroom. By Thursday you should have read the article, "The Six Facets of Understanding." By Thursday you should have read all of the postings to the Discussion Forum, "Reading to Learn." Come to class prepared to defend and support the best ideas.


March 2.   Below is a description of the in class activity from Thursday, February 25 and the assignment for Tuesday, March 2.


In class activity.  The goal is to propose specific ways that Arlene could use the text more effectively in her class. Remember she wants students to be able to read on their own and get something out of the reading. You should review what you think are the best ideas from the discussion forum, "Reading to Learn," and then as a group come to some consensus on several specific recommendations. HOWEVER, it's not enough to simply make a recommendation. You need to carefully explain how and why the strategies you recommend actually facilitate student learning and understanding. Remember, we have been examining this idea of learning as a constructive process in which the learner makes or develops meaning from new information. Try to explain how and why your recommendations will result in this. In class we will examine some of the ideas developed in the groups.


In addition, elect someone from your group to post a summary of your group's ideas to the Discussion Forum by 4:00 p.m. Friday (tomorrow). The summary should be thorough-not a list of ideas-but a narrative that really explains how and why your recommendations influence student learning.


Assignment for Tuesday, March 2

1. Read or reread chapters 6 and 7 on mental management in The Thinking Classroom.

2. Read the postings from each group.


March 4.  I posted comments to the class and to the groups on the Reading to Learn discussion forum.

Thursday, I will introduce "Reciprocal Teaching" as a strategy to help students understand what they read. This class session will give you a chance to start on the portfolio assignment.


March 9.   Analysis of Two Students. This assignment is due via email by 4:00 p.m. Monday, March 8. Be sure to include a copy of your responses in your portfolio. In class you received an article, "Analysis of Two Middle School Students' Cognitive Strategies, Memory and Learning," which describes a study that examined how two 7th grade students try to remember and understand subject matter. Read the article thoroughly and answer the following questions.


1. Based on the interviews and Table 1, compare and contrast Sharon and Andrew in terms of the strategies or tactics they use to learn the material

2. Based on the interviews, compare and contrast Sharon and Andrew in terms of their mental management-awareness and regulation of their own learning and thinking.

3. We have defined learning as a sense-making, constructive process in which the learner builds new understanding. Evaluate Sharon and Andrew with respect to this model of learning.

4. Why do you think both students did more poorly on the transfer questions than the recall task?

5. Based on your analysis of the interviews and tables (and the wealth of knowledge you now have about learning and understanding) what are the implications for teaching? You can easily imagine that these two students are in Arlene Thompson's class. What would you do if you were the teacher of these two students? Your discussion should include the concepts of understanding, metacognition, and transfer of learning. Remember to keep a copy of the assignment for your Portfolio.


March 11    Your portfolios are due in class, Thursday, March 11.



© 2000 Cerbin, Pointer, Hatch, Iiyoshi. These materials may be used and duplicated in keeping with accepted publication standards.  If any of these materials are reproduced, please provide proper credit by listing the authors and the address of the home page: http://kml.carnegiefoundation.org/gallery/bcerbin.

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