A the outset of the class I distributed an initial survey. This was intended to get a baseline consisting of student background in mathematics, reasons for taking the course, understanding of what it means to do mathematics, notion of what constitutes a novel problem, views on mathematical aptitude, persistence, experience with problem solving and mathemtical proof, a self-characterization of the student as a learner, a self-assessment of arithmetic and algebraic skills and familarity with certain terms and concepts. Ten of the thirteen students enrolled in the course returned the survey. From this I learned that amongst this group nine were mathematics majors (four with a second major in economics, history, psyschology and philosophy) and one student was a major in biology with the equivalent of a minor in mathematics. By clicking below you can get to responses to the most relevant questions as well, in some instances, as some commentary.

Reponses to question 3 on Learning Objectives.

Responses to question 5 on the "What it means to do mathematics"

Summary to question 6 on students' mathematical background.

Responses to question 11 on what it takes to do well in math.

Responses to question 12 on what constitutes a mathematical problem.

Responses to question 13 on the effort requried to solve a mathematical problem.

Response to question 14 on student self-assessment as a learner.

Responses to questions 15 and 16 on arithmetic and algebraic facility

Responses to questions 17, 18 and 21 on experience with novel problems, experience with proofs and familarity with terms and concepts.