The Focus of Our Investigation Can Writing Across the Curriculum be structured to benefit students who are writing at developmental levels but enrolled in transfer-level classes?
The Writing Across the Curriculum initiative at CSM expands the faculty's commitment to integrative learning as an essential pedagogical goal. Through the learning communities, which most often paired composition classes with classes in other disciplines, we came to realize that writing was a primary locus for integrative learning and that we could expand the impact of integrative learning by providing support for writing in classes other than composition. The pilot program for WAC involves a group of faculty in various disciplines who want to explore the benefits and challenges of incorporating writing assignments into their coursework. A team of writing coaches will help develop strategies and tools to deal with the complex task of structuring writing assignments for students who write at disparate levels. The program will support learning outcomes assessment as well, specifically through the development of an e-portfolio system to document student work.
Our WAC@CSM Team
Our students hard at work
The Plan To undertake the WAC program: formulation and training of a committee of writing coaches who would work with participating faculty starting a pilot program of WAC classes, to include philosophy, math, and 1 to 3 additional disciplines re-thinking of the Writing Center's functions to make writing help available to students in all WAC classes To promote and support the scholarship of teaching and learning: launching of Faculty Forums--2 per semester. These would initially focus on WAC scholarship but could later address other teaching and learning issues development of a student e-portfolio pilot program. compilation and analysis of data on student success in WAC classes, as compared to students in traditional classes and to other institutions compilation of case histories for planning, implementing, and assessing a community college WAC program development of a WAC website that showcases our materials and strategies