Windows on Learning: Resources for Basic Skills Education

Teaching Pre-collegiate Mathematics: Case Studies

Large numbers of students today come to college without even quite elementary forms of mathematical ability, a reality that carries serious consequences for their individual futures and for society, and one that has moved growing numbers of faculty to devise new approaches that help these students succeed. The cases featured here illustrate promising new approaches and explore their impact on the development of numeracy.

Outlining Mathematics: Transforming Student Groaning into Student Learning

When students lack the ability to use their textbook as a learning tool, the results -- low test scores and poor retention and success rates -- can be frustrating for students and teachers alike. A trio of math teachers at College of the Desert sought to foster more independent learning by having their students write chapter outlines of the math textbook.

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Can Problem Solving Become a Habit of Mind?

On this Web site, Pat Wagener shows how he integrated the components of a Problem Solving Process into class activities and homework assignments for his Intermediate Algebra class at Los Medanos College, resulting in students' increased self-confidence in their math skills and in mastering different methods of learning.

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How Jay Got His Groove Back

Join Jay Cho and his colleagues in their efforts to support the teaching and learning needs of pre-collegiate math students and instructors. You will find useful information about Pasadena City College's pre-algebra faculty inquiry group, as well as some classroom activities that made a positive difference in Jay's students' learning.

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No Longer Lost in Translation: How Yu-Chung Helps Her Students Understand (and Love) Word Problems

Yu-Chung Chang was concerned about her students' lack of success in Intermediate Algebra classes at Pasadena College. On this site you can follow her process of inquiry into their attitudes and approaches towards solving word problems and translating them into math language.

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Prealgebra Classroom Research: Working Together to Improve Student Learning

Consider the work of a group of math faculty at Los Medanos College who investigated how prealgebra students learn proportional reasoning.

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