Transforming Teacher Learning to Student Learning
Sue Lampkin - Mountain View, California - Kenneth E. Slater Elementary School
What first grade math teachers need to know

Addition and Subtraction
Problem Solving
Applying math knowledge to teaching practice

Looking closely at student learning

Faculty learning in collaboration


Sue Lampkin and Slater School

Reflecting about Teaching and Learning



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Case Development:
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching


Elementary math is not so simple!

I cannot emphasize enough the benefit to me as an educator in stepping back, reflecting, and relearning mathematics that I had earlier viewed as simple. Deepening my content knowledge with the ins and outs of addition and subtraction was a complex yet extremely fulfilling undertaking. I had no idea that the types of addition and subtraction story problems differed in such subtle and significant ways, nor did I have a coherent system to assist my students to move from the obvious to the abstract. I recommend that any teacher working with young children and mathematics read the work of the following educators and mathematicians who helped me...

What is pedagogical content knowledge?

Liping Ma
George Polya
The links above will provide you my introduction to these great thinkers as they have affected my teaching of addition and subtraction. I also list links for you to access more of their work.