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KEEP Toolkit Case Studies
The KEEP Toolkit has been used by our partner institutions and faculty to explore how these tools enable them to document and share their efforts and advance collective knowledge of teaching and learning in various contexts. With these partners, the KML shares common interests in tool development, implementation and refinement as well as a research agenda, such as exploring effective pedagogical uses of the tools.

The following cases present some of our partners' work in this effort. We hope these cases help other institutions and faculty that are interested in initiating similar projects in their local settings. Over time, additional cases featuring our partners' work will be added to this collection.

24 cases are in this collection.   Result Page: 1   simple format::extended format

thumbnail Showing Subject Matter Competency at SFSU
Darren Dieguez

San Francisco State University English majors, who plan to enter teacher credential programs have created snapshots and stitched groups to assemble their reflections and work.

Created: 2007-09-27

thumbnail Linking Teaching and Learning by Linking Community Members
College of San Mateo - Writing Across the Curriculum

Faculty members of the Writing Across the Curriculum project at the College of San Mateo have help students build their eportfolios using the KEEP Toolkit

Created: 2007-09-27

thumbnail The KEEP Toolkit as a New Academic Genre in Teacher Education
Tomás Galguera

Galguera shares the ways he has used the KEEP Toolkit to support his preservice teachers' language awareness. His innovative use has helped his students collaborate, consider the environment needed for language development, and record their teaching practice.

Created: 2007-06-20

thumbnail Integrative Learning Project

Teams of faculty from 10 campuses compile their ongoing documentation of pedagogies, programs, faculty work, and campus-wide initiatives that promote integrative learning. At the end of the 3 year project, ILP staff created this final report.

Created: 2007-06-20

thumbnail Making Interdisciplinary Connections
Jack Mino

Jack Mino, used the KEEP Toolkit to capture and make interdisciplinary student learning visible to himself and his colleagues.

Created: 2007-06-20

thumbnail Transforming Teaching and Learning Through the Effective Use of Innovative Technology
Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching: A Worldwide Higher Education Philanthropy Initiative

The HP Technology for Teaching initiative grants teams of faculty from colleges and universities, an award to redesign a course using technology.

Created: 2007-01-08

thumbnail Going Public with Teacher Education Practice
Goldman-Carnegie Quest Project

The Quest project facilitated the creation of multimedia websites by accomplished K-12 teachers. These sites, which connected teaching theory and practice, were used to help 20 teacher educators in their pre-service classrooms.

Created: 2007-01-07

thumbnail College Lesson Study Project
Bill Cerbin and Bryan Kopp

The process of Lesson Study is a unique form of collaborative classroom inquiry, frequently practiced in Japanese elementary schools, in which a small team of instructors designs, teaches, studies and refines a single class lesson.

Created: 2006-08-28

thumbnail Seeing Student Thinking and Building a Space for Collaborative Faculty Curriculum Development
Whitney Schlegel

Whitney Schlegel uses case-based teaching to engage students and allow for uncertainty to be a part of the science classroom.

Created: 2006-06-01

thumbnail Promoting Effective Use of Open Educational Technology
Open Source Portfolio

A prominent cross-institutional open source educational technology development project, shares the essence of their ongoing local efforts by implementing the Open Source Portfolio (OSP).

Created: 2006-01-01

thumbnail Educational Research Mentoring in School-Based Contexts
Sarah Fletcher

Sarah Fletcher of Bath Spa University is a professional developer who works with teachers in the United Kingdom. She guides primary and secondary teachers as well as research mentors toward representing knowledge imbedded in teaching.

Created: 2006-01-01

thumbnail Effectively Representing Educational Experience
Dr. Marion Porath

Students earning their Masters of Education (M. Ed.) in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education created professional e-portfolios, using these portfolios to serve as a final summary of their work and sometimes as part of a professional package that could be shared with employers.

Created: 2006-01-01

thumbnail Making Connections: Documenting Competencies with ePortfolio
Tracy Penny Light

A professor demonstrates the format and usefulness of ePortfolios by sharing her teaching portfolio, which documents her competency as a higher education teacher. Her students use this model as they begin to integrate their knowledge, documenting their own competency in history.

Created: 2005-10-01

thumbnail Disseminating Effective Practices and Products
Graham Walker

Selected HHMI professors are documenting and sharing their ongoing work with HHMI, their peers, and eventually the greater educational community.

Created: 2005-05-01

thumbnail Transferring knowledge and experience in innovative educational transformation
John Belcher

A professor documents his transformation of a large introductory physics course from a traditional lecture hall format to a student-centered active learning space.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail Sharing Effective Pedagogical Innovations

In a pilot effort between Carnegie and MERLOT, selected authors of online learning resources create snapshots that reflect on their pedagogy as well as provide potential users with guidance on how they might adopt the materials for their own use.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail Looking into the efficacy of the course construct
Barabara Gayle

A professor investigates her teaching efficacy by tracking her students' development in a public speaking course.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail Documenting student learning in outcomes-based education
John Ittelson

Senior students in the School of Information Technology and Communications Design create individual learning portfolios that represent the skills and knowledge required to fulfill their outcomes-based education.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail Facilitating Conversation Between Disciplines
Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate (CID)

To facilitate conversation between disciplines, departments participating in the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate have documented their work within the program and share their advances and innovations.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail A Gallery of Institutional Projects
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching / The Hewlett Foundation

This pilot effort between the two foundations is designed to help institutions and programs create succinct project portals that provide quick access to a project overview and selected instruments, materials, data and evidence related to their work.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail Supporting the process of building and sharing knowledge

In an online collaborative workspace for scholars in the CASTL Higher Education Program, the Snapshot tool is used to organize and represent the development of their research projects.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail Examining the Academic Seminar through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Eight Carnegie Scholars from the 2003-2004 cohort report on a special project sponsored by the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts at Wabash College.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail Representing pedagogical and curricular innovations
Elizabeth Wellman, Bob Bain

A small group of teachers explores new ways to collectively represent their pedagogical and curricular innovations.

Created: 2005-01-01

thumbnail Encouraging Student Teachers to Document Reflective Practice
Tomas Galguera

Students in a teacher education course document their learning from multimedia cases of effective teaching and share their reflections with their peers and teacher educators.

Created: 2004-09-01

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